DEI: Inside Inclusion

Open, honest, tough. And practical.

DEI: Inside Inclusion

Speaker Bios: Ace Callwood

Envoy Notes: Ace

Fees & Availability: Contact Vera Gillespie

Skills: Debating the Executive Nuances of DEI; Executive Leadership Styles on DEI; Integrating DEI into core business functions.

Key Takeaways:

  1. How to understand and communicate the historical context of DEI as leaders.

  2. How to analyse policy and set expectations on DEI as executives.

  3. How to embed DEI into core business functions as a strategic advantage.

Locations: In-person globally, or virtually.

Delivered in a talk show format, with guests from your industry or organization, Adrienne and Ace cut through the moralising lectures and programs of the "inclusion industry” to host the necessary conversation for leaders.

Beyond the lip-service press-releases and tweets, this session sets a baseline of executive understanding of the implications of policy, traditions, symbols, and culture to delivering on change as relates to equity. Then transitions to nuanced discussion of the challenges of making real change and untangle some of the seemingly paradoxical conundrums of respecting all voices while also respecting all people.

Ace and Adrienne, share exercises that leaders can run with their teams to ensure equity of voice around the decision-making tables, to work through conflict, and to shape the cultural tone of their organizations.

Q&A is integrated into the sessions to allow participants to raise issues, debate best practices, and share successes and mistakes to allow for learning from peers as well as from the experts on-stage.

Interactive, challenging, honest, and practical. The conversation leaders have been craving, hosted by accessible experts.